Lyons, Danny

Lyons, Danny

Lyons, Danny

Danny Lyons is a solo handbell artist, handbell director, composer, and clinician who plays concerts and conducts clinics, festivals, and handbell classes regularly throughout the southeast and across the nation. He has played solo handbell concerts all across the United States; in Paris; Liverpool, Novi Sad, Serbia; and in the Bahamas, and has recorded 2 CD’s and a concert DVD of solo handbell music with piano, harp, and organ.

Danny has been the director/clinician at 10 handbell festivals, including the Florida State Handbell Festival, Music Week at The College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho, and and was one of the clinicians at Lake Junaluska in 2016. He regularly teaches handbell classes and plays solo recitals for the Handbell Musicians of America, and has been a contributor to the national magazine of the HMA.

He is the past director of BellFest — Pensacola’s Community Handbell Choir in conjunction with Don Allured, and is currently director and founder of Christ Church Ringers at Christ Episcopal Church in Pensacola, Florida. Danny rings in the handbell quartet “Bellissimo!”, as well as accepting solo handbell and teaching/directing engagements around the country. He is now retired from a 45 year career as a piano technician and rebuilder, and he lives in Pensacola with his 3 dogs.

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