Ekle, Dillon J

Ekle, Dillon J

Ekle, Dillon J

Dillon Ekle has been composing and arranging music for private use since at least the late 1990s, but as of December 2015, he is also a published arranger of handbell music. Although he never officially rang handbells until 2013, Dillon grew up around the handbell world, having close ties to the erstwhile Four Winds Handbell Ensemble of Colorado Springs. Today, thanks in part to his experience on several other instruments, Dillon is a proud member of the Forté Handbell Quartet and the Pikes Peak Ringers, among other handbell groups. He has also brought the joy of handbells to Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Colorado Springs, where he serves as handbell director.

Outside of handbells, Dillon is an occasional substitute church organist and pianist, helps with administrative and other duties for Forté and others, and has his BA and MA degrees in linguistics. He loves the Colorado mountains and is glad to live in a place where God’s glory is so tangibly present.

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