Pfitzinger, Scott

Pfitzinger, Scott

Pfitzinger, Scott

Scott Pfitzinger first began playing handbells in 1990 and has focused on bass bells in community ensembles since 1999. He has been a member of Embellish, Joyful Sound, Circle City Ringers, and Great River Ringers, has performed in showcase concerts at Pinnacle 2004 and 2010, and has served on the Boards of Embellish and of Circle City Ringers, where he was the charter Board president. He also served on the first AGEHR Executive Director’s Advisory Council on Community and Professional Choirs. Scott has composed or arranged over 50 pieces for handbells, ranging from traditional to jazz to avant garde.

Scott received his Master of Music degree in composition in 2010, almost exactly twenty years after earning his bachelor’s degree in theory/composition. In between, he earned a Master of Library Science degree, and he now works as a university librarian at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. When not working as a librarian or writing music, Scott enjoys participating in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), an international non-profit organization that re-creates the Middle Ages, where he teaches medieval/Renaissance dance, music, heraldry, and axe-throwing.

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